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President Peter Garmyn
Vice-President Selena Toma
Secretary Isabelle Laleman
Treasurer Yves Flamand


Board Members

Members Prof. Dr. Wim Teughels Representative of KUL University
Dr. France Lambert< Representative of the ULg University and EFP delegate
Katrien Vermylen
Veronique Christiaens Representative of the UGhent University
Katleen Michiels President of the Professional committee

Scientific committee

President Scicom Bruno de Carvalho
Secretary scicom Liesbet Matthijs
Rep Ugent Veronique Christiaens
Rep KULeuven Isabelle Laleman
Rep of the UCL University Andrej Djurkin

Nele Van Assche

Stefan Matthijs

Professional committee

President Procom Katleen Michiels
Frieda Gijbels
Yves Flamand
Katrijn Saerens
Marc de Soete
Eric Thevissen
Lauren Bernard

Public Relations

Public Relations Isabelle Bugli

Congress Organisation

Congress Organisation Isabelle Bugli

oral-b tepe Colgate